Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational therapy (OT) is an important support service for many students in special education. The OT Department works with students with a variety of needs. The OT Department works on postural control for good sitting posture, fine motor skills to develop the student's use of hands, and visual motor skills to develop eye-hand coordination for better handwriting in school.

Sensory stimulation programs are also utilized by the OT Department to improve the student's body awareness and behavioral organization for better ability to pay attention. Any special education student who has difficulties in the areas of handwriting, cutting, attention, activity level, use of arms and hands, or self-care may be referred for an OT screening. The OT screening will determine the need for OT evaluation. If an evaluation is necessary, the registered occupational therapist will evaluate the child to determine the need and eligibility for OT services. OT can only be provided as a part of the IEP (Individualized Education Program) after an evaluation has been completed.