Clovis Municipal Schools has partnered with Peachjar, a digital distribution service, in order to make it possible for nonprofit organizations to distribute materials to students and district employees.
Staff and families of students in our school will receive your flyer and message by email
Your message is also posted online on a digital bulletin board.
Eliminate the cost of printing.
Set your message up the way you want it
Receive free customer support from Peachjar
There is no fee for non-profit organizations providing free-of-charge events or services to our students & staff
Click here for information about the Peachjar Community Free Program
Set up a Peachjar account, provide documentation for your organization, and begin submitting flyers electronically for distribution to schools and staff! All submissions are reviewed by the District to ensure they meet requirements.
To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Paper flyers from outside organizations will only be distributed in a limited capacity.
Visit www.peachjar.com
Register as a Program Provider (account type)
Upload your flyer for approval with a completed: Written Assurance for Distribution or Posting of Promotional Materials (PDF)
Your flyer will be automatically submitted to the district office for approval. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to parents and posted on each school’s web flyerboard for your selected duration of time. Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school.
To assist in submission and approval of materials, please review the requirements which are established through Board Policy K-2300 © KHC, adopted January 28, 2020
Requirements for the Distribution of Promotional Materials in Clovis Municipal Schools
Please complete and submit a: Written Assurance for Distribution Posting of Promotional Materials (PDF) along with each flyer submitted in Peachjar.
Flyers submitted without this form will not be considered for distribution
Non-school promotional literature is that material not under the control of the school which is on or in a variety of mediums. Without exhaustion this may include but is not limited to pictures, flyers, items with a visual or printed message, electronic representations, and other visual and auditory representations.
Non-school promotional literature soliciting for or promoting participation in commercial offerings, politics or religion will not be allowed on school property during school sessions. Excepted from the category of commercial offerings are approved equipment, naming conventions and legal advertisement that provide financial benefit to the educational program as determined by the Board.
Nonprofit organizations providing instruction and practice for school age students in the areas of instruction listed below shall be permitted limited display or posting of promotional literature for those activities at an individual school site within the guidelines indicated.
Authorization shall be premised upon a written assurance and confirming literature received by the distributing/posting school at least two (2) weeks prior to the instruction/activity that the organization will:
Agree that any charges for the instruction/activities will be based on and not exceed the cost of providing the instruction/activities;
Not use fighting words, obscenities, defamatory speech or encourage disruption of the educational environment;
Not provide representations or visuals that are inappropriate as described in The Children's Internet Protection Act;
Label all material with the name of the organization;
Display the name, address and telephone number of the local representative for the organization prominently on the promotional material; and
Have an authorized representative of the organization sign the written assurances.
The promotional literature shall be provided to the school office at the same time as the assurance form to evidence compliance. School personnel shall not use the viewpoint expressed in the literature as justification for disallowing the authorization.
Areas of instruction and practice for which promotional literature is permitted to be displayed:
Language arts
Social Studies
Visual Arts
Physical Education
Foreign or Native American Language (includes modern and classical)
Career and Technical (vocational) Education
Manner of Display/Posting or Stacking
The manner of communication elected by each school shall be either:
display of a representative item (posting on a bulletin board like structure); or
stacking flyers or representative materials on a flat surface located in an area on the school campus generally accessible to students. Display/posting or stacking will be on a space-available basis.
From a list of signed and dated assurance forms maintained in the school office, the school administrator shall determine the items to be granted permission for posting/displaying or stacking during a prescribed time period, limited to the available space designated for such purposes.
Materials permitted for display/posting or stacking must be delivered to the approving school office by a person properly authorized to represent the entity providing the materials. The material shall not be larger than a standard eight and one-half by eleven-inch (8 1/2" x 11") sheet of paper. Where stacking of materials for pickup is permitted, the quantity of materials stacked at the designated location shall not exceed one hundred (100) copies at any given time.
Times and places for display/posting or stacking. Display/posting or stacking of non-school promotional materials is prohibited in any school location except the designated area or surface for such materials. Materials shall be removed on a date certain not more than one (1) month after it has been posted/stacked or five (5) days after the activity begins, whichever is earlier.
The display/posting and/or stacking location shall be available every day without regard to weather, to students who are in attendance. A description and a map of this location will be posted at the administrative office of each school and made available in the District administrative offices.