Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a related service that assists the student in achieving educational goals and aids the student in assessing and participating in the educational environment. Physical therapy should be provided to assist a handicapped or developmentally delayed child to benefit from special education. Physical therapy helps to prevent, alleviate or compensate for movement dysfunction and related function problems. For physical therapists, knowledge of normal development of movement underlies the assessment of movement dysfunction and directs the interventions selected to correct or modify the problems.

Physical therapists typically evaluate students' motor functions, as it is related to the achievement of educational goals and evaluate the student's access and participation in the educational environment. Physical therapists plan and implement activities that will support the goals and objectives/benchmarks that the team identifies for the student's individualized educational program (IEP). Physical therapists also are often involved in recommending seating, standers, and other assistive devices, and in identifying architectural barriers that may limit students' participation.

Physical therapists assist in developing the physical foundation and roots so the child may grow, mature, and succeed in his/her educational environment.